[MADRID] Examen resuelto de Selectividad de Inglés de junio de 2024

El examen de Inglés de la convocatoria ordinaria (3 de junio de 2024) de Selectividad en la Comunidad de Madrid ha contado con 2 textos:

Con la ayuda de la Inteligencia Artificial hemos respondido a las diferentes preguntas del examen.

Tabla de contenidos:

TEXTO A. How a Child Lives the Present

I took my two-year-old grandson, Jason, to the park where he could run around and see the duck pond. My goal was to get him outside for a while and teach him about the ducks. They’re actually geese. but duck pond sounds cuter. so that’s what we call it. Some neighbors have seen frogs in it. and even snails! Swans settled in the pond some time ago. Many ducks too, but one day the ducks flew away and never returned. 

Two-year-olds don’t need goals. That was the first of several lessons I learned that day. Jason had a sense of wonder. As soon as we got out of the car, he looked up at the sky. He found joy in watching the big, pillowy clouds drifting across the sky. I’d forgotten how hypnotic clouds could be. Next, he stared at the oaks and the willows and watched their leaves rustle in the wind. 

His curiosity was constant, intense. He was always on the search for sticks, big and small. A stick could be used for many things. He scraped the ground with them or waved them in the air like a flag. Jason said hi to everyone. A few 4- and 5-year-olds weren’t sure how to respond. But they all said hi back His emerging language skills are typical for his age, part vocabulary and part babble. He tried to start conversations with more enthusiasm than success. It was clear he didn’t care what people looked like, how old they were, or whether they said hello first. 

My biggest revelation was that Jason was fully present no matter what he was doing —looking for sticks. running across the lawn, or looking at the sky. He was completely and absolutely in the moment. 

Adapted from «Right Here, Right Now,» Stanford Magazine, July 2023.


A.1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. Use a complete sentence. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE. (Puntuación máxima, 2 puntos)

a) Geese were the only birds living in the pond when Jason and his grandfather visited the Park 

a) The statement is FALSE. The evidence from the text states: «Swans settled in the pond some time ago. Many ducks too, but one day the ducks flew away and never returned.» This indicates that besides geese, there were also swans and ducks living in the pond when Jason and his grandfather visited the park.

b) Jason could easily that with other kids about anything

b) The statement is FALSE. The evidence from the text suggests: «He tried to start conversations with more enthusiasm than success.» This implies that Jason attempted to communicate with others but didn’t always succeed in doing so easily.

A.2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. Do not copy from the text. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

a) What was the grandfather’s aim when he took Jason to the park?

The grandfather’s aim when he took Jason to the park was to expose him to nature and teach him about the ducks (which were actually geese). He wanted to give Jason an opportunity to explore and experience the outdoors.

b) What was not important for Jason about people? Mention two aspects

For Jason, two aspects that were not important about people were their appearance and their age. He didn’t seem to care about what people looked like or how old they were.

A.3.- Find the words in the text that mean: (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)

a) Amazement: «wonder» (paragraph 2)

b) Continuous: «constant» (paragraph 3)

c) Soil: «ground» (paragraph 3)

d) Grass: «lawn» (paragraph 4)

A.4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given.

a) Jason’s grandfather suggested going to the park because he takes pleasure in watching nature.

b) If we don’t feed the ducks every day, they will fly away to another park.

c) I have lived here in the woods for five years now. However, I don’t like wild animals.

d) Maggie said that she had never wanted to live in this big city.

A.5.- Write about 150 to 200 words on the following topic. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside. (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)

Living in the countryside offers a range of advantages and disadvantages, each appealing to different preferences and lifestyles. One of the primary advantages is the tranquility and connection to nature that comes with rural living. Away from the hustle and bustle of cities, countryside dwellers often enjoy cleaner air, peaceful surroundings, and abundant green spaces. This environment can contribute to improved mental well-being and a slower pace of life.

Additionally, living in the countryside typically means more space and larger properties, allowing for greater privacy and outdoor activities such as gardening, hiking, or simply enjoying the landscape. Moreover, rural communities often foster strong social bonds and a sense of belonging, as neighbors tend to be closer-knit and more supportive of one another.

However, there are also notable disadvantages to living in the countryside. Access to amenities and services such as healthcare, education, and shopping centers may be limited compared to urban areas. This can result in longer travel times and inconvenience for residents. Furthermore, job opportunities may be scarcer in rural areas, leading to commuting or a reliance on remote work, which may not be feasible for everyone.

Additionally, rural living may lack cultural diversity and entertainment options available in cities, leading to feelings of isolation or boredom for some individuals, especially younger generations. Lastly, rural areas may be more susceptible to certain natural disasters or environmental challenges, such as flooding or limited access during extreme weather conditions.

In conclusion, while living in the countryside offers a serene and close-to-nature lifestyle, it also presents challenges related to access to services and amenities, employment opportunities, and cultural offerings. Ultimately, the decision to live in the countryside or not depends on individual preferences, priorities, and adaptability to rural living conditions.

TEXTO B. Is Artificial Intelligence Transforming Education?

As one of the most disruptive technologies in the forthcoming years, even in schools, Artificial Intelligence will be able to make the educational experience more efficient and engaging, both for teachers and students. Last year, Stanford University published the report «Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030,» exploring the role of Al in various aspects of society. Talking about education and learning, the report stated that Al will play a fundamental role. 

Formal education will probably never disappear completely, but it is clear that the new forms of online education are becoming more and more important. «They will become part of learning at all levels, from K-12 to University,» says the report by Stanford University, «facilitating more customisable approaches to learning.» Thanks to the Artificial Intelligence, in fact, online education systems will learn as the students learn, understanding their needs and supporting them with a tailor-made itinerary

Also, statistics about  learning will accelerate the development of new tools for personalised education. With the use of technologies powered by Artificial Intelligence, the problem of a «one-size-fits-all» approach to teaching will be finally solved. Thanks to Machine Learning algorithms, teachers will be able to identify the educational needs of their students, and find the gaps in their methods, pointing where students are struggling the most. On the other hand, students will be able to move through their education more effectively, and talented students who are often bored by easy tasks will finally find new motivation and challenges. 

In years to come, teaching will remain a complex social interaction that requires authentic human skills, such as empathy for example, and these skills could hardly be learned by a machine. This means instructors will simply be assisted by robots, which will make these professionals better at their job. 

Adapted from «‘Is Artificial Intelligence transforming Education’?,» Acer Education, April 18, 2017. https://acerforeducation.acer.com/education-trends/education-technology/is-artificial-intelligence-transforming-education/


B1 – Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. Use a complete sentence. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE. (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)

a) Not one single piece of research has addressed the effects of Al on our civilization

The statement is FALSE. The evidence from the text states: «Last year, Stanford University published the report ‘Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030,’ exploring the role of Al in various aspects of society.» This indicates that research has been conducted on the effects of AI on civilization.

b) Data analysis will facilitate the development of innovative learning instruments for each student.

The statement is TRUE. The evidence from the text suggests: «With the use of technologies powered by Artificial Intelligence, the problem of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to teaching will be finally solved.» This implies that data analysis will indeed facilitate the development of innovative learning instruments tailored to each student.

B.2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. Do not copy from the text. (PuntuaciÓn máxima 2 puntos)

a) How will Artificial Intelligence benefit advanced students?

a) Artificial Intelligence will benefit advanced students by providing them with more personalized and challenging educational experiences. With AI-powered technologies, advanced students who often find traditional tasks too easy will have access to more tailored and stimulating learning materials. This can help keep them engaged and motivated by offering tasks and challenges that match their abilities and interests more closely.

b) Will teachers be replaced by technology in the future? Explain why

b) While technology, including Artificial Intelligence, will play an increasingly significant role in education, it’s unlikely that teachers will be entirely replaced by technology in the future. Teaching involves complex social interactions and requires human skills such as empathy, creativity, and adaptability, which are challenging for machines to replicate. Instead, teachers will likely be assisted by technology, allowing them to enhance their teaching methods and provide more personalized instruction. The role of teachers may evolve to incorporate the use of AI-powered tools to analyze student data and tailor instruction accordingly, ultimately making educators more effective in their roles.

B.3.- Find the words in the text that mean: a) future (paragraph 1); b) key (paragraph 1); c) vanish (paragraph 2); d) path (paragraph 2)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto

a) Future: forthcoming

b) Key: fundamental

c) Vanish: disappear

d) Path: itinerary

B.4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given. a) The computer _______ (reboot) yesterday by a technician. Previously, it had been out _______ order for a full week. b) In the future. I’d rather _______ (use) my creativity _______ Artificial Intelligence applications. c) If I _______ (have) time to develop new algorithms in the 1990s, I _______ (become) a millionaire many years ago. d) Rachel is the one _______ took the decision to create a new Al enterprise _______ her own
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

a) The computer was rebooted yesterday by a technician. Previously, it had been out of order for a full week.

b) In the future, I’d rather use my creativity in Artificial Intelligence applications.

c) If I had time to develop new algorithms in the 1990s, I would have become a millionaire many years ago.

d) Rachel is the one who took the decision to create a new AI enterprise on her own.

B.5.- Write about 150 to 200 words on the following topic. Explain the pros and cons of using Artificial Intelligence as a student.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a student comes with both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, AI can provide personalized learning experiences tailored to individual needs and learning styles. Through adaptive learning algorithms, AI systems can analyze a student’s strengths and weaknesses and provide targeted feedback and resources to help them improve. This personalized approach can enhance understanding and retention of information, leading to more effective learning outcomes.

Additionally, AI can offer access to a vast amount of educational resources and information, enabling students to explore diverse topics and deepen their knowledge in specific areas of interest. AI-powered educational tools can also make learning more engaging and interactive, incorporating elements such as gamification and virtual reality to create immersive learning experiences.

However, there are also potential drawbacks to using AI as a student. One concern is the reliance on technology, which may lead to a loss of critical thinking skills and a dependence on AI systems for problem-solving. Moreover, the use of AI in education raises ethical and privacy concerns regarding data security and the use of personal information for targeted learning interventions. Additionally, there is the risk of AI exacerbating inequalities in education, as access to AI-powered resources may be limited in certain regions or socio-economic backgrounds.

In conclusion, while AI offers promising opportunities to enhance the learning experience for students, it is essential to carefully consider both the benefits and challenges associated with its use to ensure that it is implemented in a way that maximizes its potential while mitigating potential risks.

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